I am so excited that the day has finally come and that my new website and blog is live and on the interwebs! It's truly been a huge labour of love but I am really proud of this journey. I have learned so much and am going to learn so much more. It isn't perfect but really, what is? I have many things I would like to improve on but if I spent any more time pushing it back it probably wouldn't have gone live. So i just did it!  I can't wait to share all of the exciting things I have lined up for you and your family.

Here you will find my same old collection of creativity but I have narrowed it down a little. I've made it more family based. I have also added a shop to my items that were on Etsy so you can purchase right through my site. Finally I have added something that I am really excited and about. I am now offering my design ideas/ advice for your kids spaces and places. I was asked about my design ideas so often and I was told "you should do this as a career" so many times I thought "JUST GO FOR IT LINDSAY!" I will be able to give you the ideas and sources to help you create the perfect space for you littles! I have a fabulous interior designer on my team and I'm sure we can solve any of your woes.  You guys. I seriously can't wait to share my upcoming projects!

I have SO many people I need to thank. My family first. The reason for all of this creativity and inspiration. The reason I do what I do. They are my tribe.  A thank you to my sister Bailey because without her I would be a pile of mush on the floor. She would come over late at night, help me over the phone and just be there for me. Thanks to my close friends that were helping me along the way with words of encouragement, late night texts, sharing my work and just supporting me through FB and IG ( you know who you are) And lastly, thanks to all of my long time readers and followers and hello to all of you new ones. I have so many things cooking for this space and I can't wait to get going!



Ruby and Lila's Hideaway


Big Changes.....