The newest gang member...I Mean, my sister works over here now!

Happy May Long weekend Canadian Friends!

I would like to tell you a little story. It all started when my sister said she didn't know what to be when she grew up. She said she knew she wanted to work with kids or do some type of work related to kids.( PS this was last month.) I asked if maybe she would like to join The Ruby Thursday Collective and at first she declined. I was bummed because I wanted to yell "WHY NOT?!"  But I totally understood that it wasn't her jam. I never wanted to pressure her. Then a few weeks later, it came up again except this time, she had a totally different attitude towards it (she must have slept on it) and she decided to Join the team!

Bailey runs all the office shit. The stuff that I don't really love and the stuff that she thoroughly enjoys. (Like get the giggles about her laminating machine enjoys). Or she uses sticky tabs to outline when I should sign paperwork and loves it. Office supplies and organization are her love languages. It's hilarious! but also extremely handy. She has some great ideas as we both are raising some "crazy lady" toddlers. You are going to see a lot more of her around these parts. Including blogging. She has a way of being hilarious and telling it like it is. She has some great posts in the near future and it would be great if you could give us some feedback!

Here's some random facts about my sister (as written by Bailey):

1) I wear socks to bed year round. I legit cannot sleep without socks on.

2) I hate brushing my hair. Hence the bowl cut I rocked until I was probably 15. 

3) My sister is seriously my best friend. Even that one time she slapped me in the face or kicked me in the shin, or that time she left me alone on the sidewalk...seriously though, she's my best friend.

4) I should not be allowed to enter Michaels, Staples, the T & T Supermarket, or the Italian Centre without adult supervision. (Or Amazon Prime-ing) 

5) I have a major crush on Chris Evans (Captain America). 

Here we are recreating a favourite photo from our past! hahahaha!


-L & B


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