Monday Must-Haves: November Nuggets Of Goodness
Hey hey y'all! Happy friggin December! HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN? I mean, I honestly feel unprepared for the new year that's just around the corner. How is this like a month away? Today is the first monday of the month which means it's time for our fave things from November!
1) The Erinn Cardigan
Lindsay managed to snag the original version of the delicious mustard coloured sweater from the skinny...last year?? I can't remember. This year I snagged myself one of the newer versions of the mustard and when Erinn launched her signature cardigan in dark red, you know we were both living for it! We managed to snag the last two of this limited edition sweater. I find myself always reaching for my sweaters from The Skinny. Warm and functional and they just style up my mom uniform of sweats, a t shirt, and a bun.
2) Sia's Christmas Album
Is this not the happiest cover art.
Do you like Sia? Good. Now we can be friends. Lindsay was the person who introduced me to the Sia christmas album. i'm someone who never deviates from her standard Mariah Carey Merry Christmas album. (it holds a special place in my heart. *story* So when I was in the 5th grade, I had big feet. I was always kind of destined to be the tall one. So naturally, all my friends had these cute dainty winter boots that were pretty. My giant feet had me relegated to the woman size shoes. I ended up with a pair of giant white sorel boots. I hated them. I got made fun of for them. It basically gave the bullies one extra thing to bug me about. Then, when Mariah's album dropped, and her video came out, she was wearing the same boots. I suddenly had the same boots as MARIAH CAREY so I loved them and I told everyone that Mariah had the same ones. It didn't stop the bullying, but when I was ok with them, they just found other stuff to pick on me about.)
Anyways, our fave jam around the house is Puppies are Forever. I mean, Clara loves puppies, and the song sings about dogs, but it's also a good reminder, puppies grow. Puppies (and all pets!) are forever. Don't be gifting animals to people who don't want them. It happens every year! Remember: Don't shop, ADOPT!
3) Healthy eating
I'm not 100% sure when the holiday season became obsessed with unhealthy food. Be it egg nog, chocolates, or eating until we are stuffed so much we are nauseated. I am trying my damndest to not eat 15lbs of butter and stuffing this season. The willpower is real. Luckily, the amazing Amanda of More Holistic Life helped take the edge off some of the need for the sugar overload this season. She's so creative and it certainly gave me a little more to chew on for this season.
4) Christmas decorations
ok, ok. I'll admit that I feel like i'm the only one with a total love/hate relationship with christmas. I love the warm glow of christmas tree lights, the way my kid gets so excited if anyone has their christmas lights on, and basically any kind of elf on the shelf related item, I also hate the clutter, the extra stuff around places, the fight after Clara has one chocolate from her advent and wants more. I am usually the person who boxes stuff up on boxing day. So ya, I'm on the fence on Christmas decorations.
For now that's all I got! Hopefully these little tidbits of wisdom find you well!
xoxo...Gossip Girl...
no wait...