Monday Must-Haves!

It's time for another edition of monday musts! Today I'm going to ramble on about essential oils, diffusers, and 'smells' as my kid calls them.

I originally got started with essential oils when my sis started with doTerra. I have always been kind of a hippy (hello massage therapy background) but other than knowing lavender makes for good sleeps and lemon smells good, I literally had no idea. 

As Lindz started using more and more 'smells' in her house, and I took a reiki course, my obsession with essential oils has only increased! Below are some of my fave smells, and oils. Check out these smells! *insert giant whiff here*

The saje aroma gem diffuser is one of my faves! It's so pretty to look at and makes my house smell real good, (and even sometimes super clean when it isn't!)

I usually let my kid pick out her fave smells and that's what we will diffuse on any given day. Some of my faves are:

Lemongrass, lavender, and frankincense 

Lemon, grapefruit, tea tree,

Lavender, and frankincense 

I purchased a set of oils off of Amazon Prime (Obviously right?). These are a great set, and a really good introduction into using oils for your house. 

I've been known to peruse pinterest for oil mixes for various household activities. I use a spray of lemongrass, tea tree, vodka, and water for spraying my counters and for dusting. It makes your house smell so good. I found a mix of various oils that makes an amazing bug spray. It works so good, and you don't smell like Deep Woods Off (or sex panther as I call it). 

Check out my pinterest for more ideas and other stuff I'm crushing on at the time. 

Thanks for checking out this weeks edition of Monday Musts! 


Gossip Girl...wait no, 


Monday Must-Haves!


The Ruby Thursday Collective Presents: Monday Must-Haves