Monday Must Haves - Ear Worms

Happy Monday everyone! Since I'm pretty sure you don't want to listen to me talk about the My Little Pony soundtrack or Cardi B, I enlisted the help of the beautiful, amazing, and talented Randee Armstrong! Have I mentioned she's a babe? Seriously. Randee is the manager extrarordinare over at The Skinny (who recently re-opened in Southgate Mall!) Randee always seems to have the best taste in music! Thanks Randee! 


Being it’s January and I’m feeling those winter blues I’m going to recommend songs that hopefully have a little more pep then they make you want to stay in bed all day. But also! Given the woman’s marches that took place this weekend I’m going to make this an all female theme as well, because they kick ass. 


So let’s start with my number 1, Slacks by St. South, it’s easy and it’s breezy and it’s got the perfect beat to get your feet off the bed and onto the floor.

Number 2 is a song called Low Tide by Drama Duo, her voice is super smooth and easy to listen to, it’s a morning drive to work go to.


Number 3 is a song i just discovered yesterday actually, this is a good mid morning sip your coffee and sing along while trying not to spill coffee on your white blouse (Randee move). Bellyache by Billie Eilish.


My number 4 is a bit more of a take a breather in the back if you find yourself annoyed by coworkers, customers or perhaps even those closest to you ;) Take a seat and some deep breaths while you listen to Perfect Grace by Kwamie Liv.

Number 5! I’m only giving you 5 songs so i should try to make this one good... let’s see, this can be your drive home from work, because that’s always exciting and this allows you just enough beat to dance in your seat without putting other drivers in harms-way. Touch by Shura. She also gives me Solange vibes... and i love Solange.

Actually you’re getting 6! Because this song is all about being a women and has lots to do with what went on this weekend!

Woman by Rosie Lowe!

Happy Monday everyone!! Hope you all have a beautiful week.




Ok, so I legit downloaded all of these! Randee linked the spotify links and I added the iTunes links since I use apple music. Seriously SO GOOD. Thank you so much Randee!!

Until next time peeps!

xoxo Gossip Girl...

No wait...

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