March No Spender Bender!!
Hey hey lovies!! It's been a hot minute since I had the motivation, nay, the ideas of what to blog about. While I love love love my Mondays with y'all, I've been in a rut. A serious RUT. This winter that seems to keep going and going and going is starting to get me down, but, I am here, and I am going to attempt something.
Hannah from The Momoirs (who is a gem and an amazing lady in general) did a 30 day Spending fast. My January was me attempting to abstain for amazon prime-ing...I failed...I think I made it 18 days.
Back when I blogged over on, I used to do no spender benders where for a month I only bought necessary items, like food, gas, rent, etc. It was super easy back then, before the days of amazon prime, skip the dishes, and the fact that I would have like $7 in my bank account until pay day...
Well, I am here today to make a commitment. I am SO SO SO bad for eating out, amazon prime, and shopping. Ohhhh yes. People think I'm all minimalist, and I guess I am, but I own multiples of certain clothing items...I have a problem guys.
#relateable (image from
So for the month of March, I'm going to attempt to:
1) No shopping. Aside from needed items, (which I need nothing at all), including gas, food, diapers, cat food, etc.
2) Prepare better. I am NOTORIOUS for buying coffee. Granted I drink black coffee, it's not like its a $6 coffee everyday, but even $2.75 every couple days can add up. Especially since I don't usually get just coffee, it's egg bites from Starbucks, or treats for Clara from basically anywhere. And along this thread....
3) No eating out. No skip the dishes. No coffee runs. Be prepared husband. It's gonna get bumpy. This will include....
4) Meal Prep. I will need to prepare for all food requirements. For me that's post workout, and my pre bed snack. No more running to 7-11 for snacks (sorry Natasha!) I will need to prepare the list of what we will be eating, and then I'll need to make a list for all possible requirements...(this seems intense guys...)
Well, needless to say I'm nervous. So very nervous. I will need to exercise the ol' willpower. Especially when my kid will be crying for french fries...
Anyone else in? While I'm so good at cleaning out, I need some serious help about not letting additional stuff in. If you're in let me know in the comments! Let's support each other!
I'll touch base in a couple days to see how I've been doing! I'm hoping to keep a tally of what I would have spent and then see how much I saved.
Well, I'm about to break out the notebook (also have about a million of these) and take stock of everything I have in the freezer so I can crush this month!