Monday Must Knows - Kelly from Fiddle Leaf Photography

It's Monday! After Daylight Savings, which truly feels like the Monday to end all Mondays. Y U GOTTA BE LIKE THAT MONDAY?

Anyways, today we are talking to Kelly from Fiddle Leaf Photography. I first met Kelly when she hosted a breastfeeding photo shoot here in Sherwood Park. She's amazing and has such an eye for photography. 

I personally love watching behind the scenes stuff. I love this pic!

I personally love watching behind the scenes stuff. I love this pic!


Here's the answers to our ridiculous questions!



1) Personal Record of days of dry shampoo?

So the beauty of curls is that it hides A LOT (except for maybe the grey hairs that are coming in straight!). I have never used dry shampoo and have gone at least a week without shampooing. 


2) Personal Record of shows watched in one sitting? (how many hours? What show?)  

Well, if we go back to the days BEFORE children this is probably 5ish hours. The shows I can remember going through the fastest are Sex In the City and Six Feet Under. Now I rarely go more than 2 hours at a time or I’ll be guaranteed to fall asleep. 


3) Longest time between grocery trips? (for home, not business!)

A week probably? I feel like I’m constantly at the store picking up something. I tend to do Costco once a week, but they never have everything I need. 


4) Favourite story your spouse/partner tells about you at parties?

I honestly can’t think of one. A) we hardly party! B)My husband always ends up talking about his work and not about weird things I do. haha.


5) What food do you effing hate? Like if someone fed it to you, you would spit it out on your kid? (obviously we are joking, please do not spit on your children.)

Green peppers! Followed closely by stewed tomatoes. 


Kelly is offering a short session of her beautiful EMERGE short sessions May 12th. I've linked the info here. These are so beautiful and so not your typical 'boudoir style' sessions. They make me so happy since they truly celebrate the beauty and strength of all women. Book in guys! 

Thanks for being awesome Kelly!

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