Welcome to my Collective!

Hi There!

My name is Lindsay and WELCOME to my collective!

I am very excited to launch my first ever creative. Here you will find my passions for photography, DIY, Interior Design and my new found love of Party planning.

Here's a few tid bits about me.  I am a very happy mommy with a wonderful family. My daughter's name is Ruby and she was born on a Thursday (hence the name) and that is who keeps me on my toes and thinking about the most creative way to make her life fun. My family and I live in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada in a cute little hamlet. Actually, it's the biggest hamlet in the world. So lame but thought I'd give you some trivia... Actually, I don't even know if that's still fact. Ha! I am a hairstylist by trade and still do hair part time since having Ruby. I went back to work after she was only 5 1/2 weeks old. Crazy right?! My wonderful hubby built me a studio in our house many years before the babe came along so I work from home two days a week. One of the projects in my house was the salon and its oh-so-many changes that have been made. Stay tuned for that one...... :) I myself, like to look at pretty, interesting and fun things. That is why I always have a project on the go. If I think something looks ugly, I need to change it! ha!

Over the years, I have documented most of the changes we have made in our home. I plan on posting the majority of those that I have taken proper photos of. I just love to change it up and can't wait to show it to all of my soon-to-be readers!

So here is the newer side of my hobbies. Photography. It seems these days that anyone with a half decent camera and some talent can call themselves a photographer and I guess I have began to file myself into that category as well. I started taking pictures of Ruby once a month with a sort of theme in place and just went from there. Some months I went with the holiday taking place and some I went with whatever looked cute and whatever she would cooperate with. HA! I have started to slowly build a little side business of family, newborn and baby photos. But really? I'm into boudoir photos! I did a few for my sister and a friend and have decided that it is truly a good time making a person look and feel beautiful. The fact that I can capture that is the icing on the cake.

My DIY hobby started so long ago I can't even remember. My mom is also into interior design (like actually went to school for it) and I guess that's what we have always bonded over. I remember one of of the first projects I did was paint a table that my Grandpa made me and I got to design it with gold sun and moon stencils. I know. So cool. But remember folks, I was 13 years old and suns and moons were cool beans. After that I was hooked on making my room look cool. When I got my first summer job, I spent my hard earned cash on an area rug, side tables and japanese screen. I had a vintage chair from my grandma and other things that I stole from my mom around the house. I probably would change my room around every three weeks. My dad was such a good sport about helping me move my heavy dresser :) Well needless to say, all of my friends loved hanging at my place because I had the cool room.

Well that's all for now. I have to think of a cool saying to tag at the end of my posts like some of my favourite bloggers or gossip girl but for now, I leave you with a line from one of my favourite movies.

"You stay classy San Diego"
-Ron Burgundy



For the Love of Print