Shedding a little light on the subject.

Hey all you people out there!

Actually I have no idea how many of you actually read my blog but I hope it's more than just my sister! Haha

So I know I have been loading the photography on a little thick these last few posts but I have been trying to catch up on all that I had been doing in that department. There is so many more that I just don't know what to pick next. I have decided to get back to my DIY for a little and show you the sweet purchase I found at Zellers when they were closing out. For all you American readers, Zellers was a less sassy, Canadian version of Target. Well guess what? They are all now becoming Targets!!!!!!! YAY OH YAY! 

This is a pic of the lights that I found for less than $15 each. They used to hang over the tables in the restaurant. Awesome vintage feel and in really good shape. I have MANY plans for all of these. But to get back on track...... here is what I did for my sis when she needed to brighten up a dark spot in her kitchen.

 Here's before I did anything to it. Just old and dirty and needed some new guts.

First, I taped off the outside of the lamp because I needed to prime it and paint it. I used a box to keep it flat and sturdy while I painted.

Next I used a spray primer to give the metal some good adhesion for the colour to follow. I believe I used a Krylon spray primer but I forgot to take a picture of that. Whoops.

Next I took a 220grit sanding block to smooth out the primer. For some reason spray primer leaves a gritty texture. After a couple minutes, it was super smooth.

My sister's accent colour in her kitchen is cherry red so I used this Krylon Banner red that I had left over from my project in the bathroom here.

First coat.
Third and final coat.

After letting it dry for a day or 10, (Whoops. Got busy) I went and got myself a swag chain lamp kit for about $16. Home Depot didn't seem to have white like I wanted so I opted for a clear cord. I knew that my sister didn't have any where to hard wire the light so that is why the swag came in to play. I also wanted it to have a pull cord so that she didn't have to go over and unplug it every time she wanted the light turned off. It was super easy to install and I really like it. The chain didn't seem to go with the light that well so I left it off.

It was super easy to install. Just put a couple hooks into the ceiling. She already had one in the corner so we only used one out of the package.

There you have it! The light for over her kitchen table. She said she needs to clean so she wouldn't take a picture of the whole area for me but luckily I snapped one on my Iphone before leaving her house. Sorry Bee :(

 There you have it! Eventually I will get some better shots and you guys can get the right idea.

Stay tuned for what I do with the next light. It's going to be a contest post to see who is actually reading my blog!


Men would be cursing me right now.......


Meanwhile in the Boudoir..........