Speaking From My Heart Vol 2.

Happy Christmas and Merry Ho Ho!

I hope you all had a fabulous and restful holiday thus far. I just wanted to give out a HUGE thank you to all that have contributed to the Drost Family fundraiser thus far. I am so glad I launched this back in October because it was so much fun to do different Christmas themed photo shoots! The outpour of love that people have shown toward our friends has been so amazing. It really makes me believe in the kindness of human beings. I can't say thank you enough. I am so excited for the next bunch of shoots to come. I hope that I hear from more of you in helping to support this incredible family. If you missed vol.1, click here.

Thanks to everyone so far:)

Almquist Family!

Chomiak Family!

Rambell Family!

Matos Family!

Mark Family!

Partridge Family!
Snell Family!

Wentland Family!

Fergusson Family!

 An additional Shout out to the Storey Family and Jacek Family for their contributions!

Hope to hear from you all soon to capture some shots of your beautiful Families!



And then there were three...


Snowing and Blowing Up Bushels of Fun!