The Big Reveal


Yes, yes I know, it's been just under 7 months and you still haven't seen Miss Lila or her nursery.

I promised you all something and I am going to deliver. I'll give you a back story on Lila's rom. It was an ever changing idea that never really turned into anything I had originally planned. I had a lot of fun and a lot of challenges but I am very happy with the way it turned out. Part of why it took me so long is because I wanted to get to know her a little. I decided to give it the bones but that the personalized things waited until I had met her and knew her. What I have discovered about Miss Li is that she definitely is nothing like her sister. Very smily and sweet. Sensitive, and cuddly and also GIRLY. Ruby is a girl and has girly tendencies but she is much more of a rambunctious little tomboy who loves to wrestle and be silly.

This room also was a project that I spent a fraction of what it cost me to make Ruby's. I originally was going to buy all new everything but then I realized that my design hoarding was taking over the house and I needed to declutter and utilize the things that I was holding on to for...... what? I don't know. What you see in this room was mostly things that I had lying around the house. The things that were purchased were one set of curtains, one of my area rugs, and the knobs on the closet doors. EVERYTHING else I had. Seriously. You are probably asking yourself where the "eff" did all this come from? Yes it was in my storage room and yes my husband is more than happy that I spent less and cleaned up the storage room more.

I have a few projects that I DIY'd in here (of course) and I plan on sharing some of these things with you along the way. So I'll just shut up and let you take a peek-see of the eye candy that is Lila's room.

There you have it! There's even little secret shelves in the window reading area but you will just have to come over for a cup of coffee to see for yourself:)



Miss Lila Madeline


And then there were three...