Making Earthy Mobiles

Hey Guys!

If you follow my Facebook page you would have seen my sneak peek into this post where I shared a couple pics of some mobiles that I had made for Lila's room. In my opinion, mobiles these days are not your typical teddy bears and stars.  Today I am am going to show you my simple DIY of how I made these two earthy mobiles.

I was inspired by something I had seen my friend Erin post on her Pinterest board and thought I should give it a whirl. I made one for her sweet Baby Alice and one for my new little niece Ivy. Erin was kind enough to send me some feedback pictures of it hanging up in Alice's room and I love the pics! Check her out over here.

So basically its as Easy as it looks. I found some dried twigs and some driftwood and painted some designs on it. I had no rhyme or reason. I just did it. 

Then I used basic white thread and wrapped it around the stick or twig a few times and tied it on each end. From there I made an additional knot to keep the sticks straight when they were hanging. It looked like this.

After I had gotten it looking straight, I tied a knot around a feather near the end and then wrapped the string around tightly to form a cover on the end of each feather like this.

After all of the feathers were tied I began wrapping the other end of the string around the twig in the desired location. I did 4 feathers per stick on the drift wood one because the length of each stick wasn't as long as the twig one. I made sure they were all hanging at different lengths so that it looked soft and more organic.

That's it! Super easy to make! 

I love these mobiles. So soft and pretty with some fun and whimsy which I think suits the girls these were for. What do you like to see in a nursery mobile?

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Ruby's 3rd Birthday CAMPOUT.


Almost a family of 4.....