Adventures In Spray Painting Volume One.

So if you ask any DIYer they would tell you that the fastest way to make a big change is with Spray Paint. This is my favourite new Spray Paint job. Ruby's Bed:)

My Mom gave me an old metal bed from our cabin and I knew it would be a perfect lower profile for Ruby's room. I didn't want it to cut off the visual feel of her window bench so this fit the bill perfectly.

Although the faux wood grain intrigued me, it was in awful shape and an odd colour. Since my girl is bright and cheery, I thought her bed needed the same feel. I taped off the sides where the wood grain is and primed the area first with a light coat.

I then sprayed the area with Krylon Blue Ocean Breeze. I did 3 light coats and then I let it dry for 24 hours before peeling the painters tape.

Next, I used brown craft paper to cover the blue area so I could prime and paint the rest of the bed. I used Krylon's   and did 3 coats again and waited 24 hours before taking off the tape and craft paper.

Voila! It's beautiful and bright like my girl:)

I love that the foot board it just barely at the top so It doesn't get in the way too much. I am SO happy with the way things worked out. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Stay tuned for more spray Paint DIYs!



Patio update!


Wooden Crate Toy Box