Necessary Change, Quality Time and Cookie Baking.

cookie baking edmonton blogger, family blogging, kids rooms edmonton

Necessary Change:

There have been a lot of changes this past month and I have really taken a step back from my business. Well sort of. I have separated them and removed photography from this website. It was a necessary move for me going forward. I have made a lot of new connections and done some commercial work as well as booked my first wedding as the main shooter. In MEXICO. Yes! So needless to say, things have been busy behind the scenes as I make some big changes. I am so excited that by the end of this week, I will have a brand new shiny website with my images all curated and displayed for your viewing pleasure. The biggest thing that really excites me is my plans for this space. I am SO excited. I am pumped. My designing brain has been swirling around with ideas and I never really felt like I could divide my time appropriately to really get both aspects of the business covered the way I would have liked. The old blog will be dusted off as I make an attempt to getting back to my favourite things to DIY or do together as a family! I always have random things in my head and I would like to start sharing those ideas with you all. Maybe just maybe your family will want to try them out too!

Quality Time:

During this time of not " Go-go-GOING" constantly, it has allowed me to step back and really look at my life and the things going on in it.  I needed more snuggles from my family, I needed more "me time" and I needed to work smarter not harder. Well I am happy to report that all of these realizations and decisions on business and family have really helped me eliminate a lot of anxiety. I also started seeing an acupuncturist who just gets me. She has helped to transform my mind and maybe help me grow back some hair too. If you aren't sure what I am talking about you can read about my battles with alopecia and stress here. If you are looking for a kick ass approach to mental health and a different approach to medicine, check out Jennifer over at her new place here.

Cookie Baking:

One of my favourite things to do with the girls is colour. The other day I got out my anti-stress colouring book and my oldest was all over it. There was NO way she would go back to colouring disney princesses. She has really amazed me and shown me that she too has a creative brain and is calmed by being creative (or running around hanging off of everything, but that is a story for a different day). The other thing we really like to do together is bake. We really don't get a chance to do it very often and it's always a treat when it gets to happen. The other day we made this new cookie recipe and I have to say, that my old one is probably not going to be used as often. I found this recipe using the yummly app (which I LOVE and also for another post). They stayed chewy, soft and crisp on the outside. SO GOOD!! You can find that recipe here. 

Well there you have it. A little update, a little change, a little love, and a little baking.

I'll leave you with one of my favourite lyrics from a song that first struck a chord in me when I was only SIXTEEN.

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

My world it moves so fast today
The past it seems so far away
And life squeezes so tight that I can't breathe
And every time I've tried to be
What someone else thought of me
So caught up, I wasn't able to achieve

But deep in my heart
The answer it was in me
And I made up my mind
To define my own destiny





Favourite Kids Decor- Rainbow Mood Board


It's time to get real....