What I learned about myself in 2020 and what filled my cup.

Hello Friends!

Well this year was definitely one for the books. It was the year that I discovered that it’s ok to be more than one thing. It’s ok to have several creative endeavours and that they can make you money. I also learned that this type of person is called a multi-hyphenate. All of this was on a day where I felt lost. Covid had stopped yet another endeavour of mine to open a studio and style and create for photographers across the city. I have dreams for styling for people across the globe one day but I have to pivot ( like any entrepreneur has to do these days). I went to my favourite designers instagram feed @eyeswoon and saw her recent post about her podcast called More than One Thing. It was the intro to her second season I was listening to what a multi-hyphenate means, I had an Oprah “ A-ha!” moment that involved me laughing and crying (actually I was weeping a little) at the same time. To find that I am in fact normal(ish), that I should not be ashamed of being a “ jack of all trades”, (which I was for many years due to a brand developer saying that it was bad to be one) and embrace that I am good at more than one thing. It was this podcast that catapulted me into a new frame of mind, with new goals, new ambitions, and mostly, new purpose. Of all of the stories that I listen to ( I listened to every.single.episode) I resonated most with the creator Athena Calderone her self. She is a mother when all of her friends were advancing their careers, she was at home most of the time rasingin her son. While other friends were all out going to parties, she was creating an amazing party at her home. She was sad and depressed trying to find her place and I never resonated with something as much as I did with her story.

My story is not exactly as hers but I have had many creative career paths including hairstylist, styling shopper, blogger, product designer for my own line, website designer, photographer (of all the genres) , interior stylist, photography studio stylist, vintage finder and seller, thrifter, DIYer and the list goes on…. what I discovered about myself and all of these things is that I have a lot of knowledge to share. That I am truly a multi-hyphenate. That I create clear visions of things and I will not rest until my vision is reality. I know I belong in the world of styling because there is nothing quite like it and it sets my soul of fire. I love talking with other creatives and bringing their vision to life through images. I want to be able to create for companies all over the globe and I want them to know that not only will I love your products like I designed them myself, but I will create the feeling and vibes you want to portray to the world. I have felt callings to work with certain creatives and I have had the honour of watching their business catapult because of the styling and visions I had dreamt up. I reached out to them and most of them said a resounding yes and I am so thankful for them because I am learning more about myself through this process.

There’s a few for you to look at. HERE.

Moving on to what filled my cup this year, it was the thoughtful and meaningful ‘in-between’ things that people did for me or making something that I loved to give.

  1. My sister went through my Instagram and made me a playlist if all of my morning songs. I cried listening to it and it is now updated every Sunday and we have one on Apple Music and Spotify too! Here’s the links to those!

2. My group chat. I have two of the most amazing girlfriends who are true supporters and never judge me. They give me the space to feel however I need to feel in that moment but they also give me the advice I need. When I think of them I get teary because just 2.5 years ago I found these women and I don’t remember my life before them being as enriching or as loving as it is now. Especially during a pandemic, I appreciate their loving nature and pure acceptance of me.

3. My sister came through AGAIN with love in the form of passing on the traditions of our grandmothers and our own mother and made me amazing baking ( I don’t love the kitchen as much as her) as well as a famous bakery right there in Edmonton Duchess.

3. I also wanted to make just even a single gift this holiday season and that was Rosemary simple syrup. I made it for our neighbours that I am missing during this quarantine because they were the people we had in our cohort and it’s so sad now that we are apart yet 20 feet apart. Here’s the recipe I used to make them delicious simple syrup for their holiday drinks.


That’s all for now so I hope you liked my smattering of thoughts, foods, music, and DIYs ( syrup styles)

Xoxo, Gossip Girl, wait……

Design, HOMELindsay MillsComment