Family Day and Delicious Gluten Free Pancakes

I wanted to share with y'all that we actually spent Family Day weekend as a Family doing whatever! It was fabulous. We hung out, watched movies, hung out with our neighbours, ate pancakes, and went in the hot tub. Seriously guys. Perfect. Weekend.

Speaking of Pancakes, I have a new old favourite recipe for pancakes. We recently started cutting out as much gluten and dairy from our diet. There was no way that the girls would ever give up pancakes though!  I got the original recipe from Jamie Oliver's first cookbook. My pal Bronwen introduced me to it and I never looked back. Check out the original here. 

I changed a couple things to get it nice and fluffy while not using white flour or milk. I substituted the white flour for gluten free Cloud Nine flour (from Costco) and I do 6 egg whites to 3 egg yolks. I also double the amount of milk with almond milk. I know that seems weird. I still separate the 3 eggs but then I add additional egg whites from a carton and whip. Because the flour seems to end up making everything really thick, I found additional whites and almond milk are so helpful. They get extra fluffy and it helps them stay fluffy once they are folded into the batter and hit the pan. Super easy and SOO GOOD!


We also had another instalment into the project I am doing over on my photography Instagram. @lindsaymillsphotography It is a project called 52 portraits of me. It's where I take a photo every weekend for a year. I have to be in it. It's always self portraits and it gives me a chance to get creative in how I tell my story. The family day ones crack me up. It summed up the weekend in a couple frames. Ruby with never ending energy, Lila missing and passed out cold at 5PM and Penny the cat too lazy to even budge off the bed when Ruby started bouncing. hahah!


So there you have it. A little family chill update. Short and sweet.





Favourite Kids Decor- Fruity mood board


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