Favourite Kids Decor- Fruity mood board

Seeing as summer cannot come soon enough over here in Edmonton, (Or at least that's how I feel.) I am here to share my mood board for the fruity fresh bedroom and let me tell you, I wanted to go make a fruit salad as I created this post!

Here are my favourite little accessories ai found for a fruity room. First of all at the top. We have the watermelon pillow from Land of Nod. Seriously, that company cannot do wrong! And beside are two from an online shop I just discovered out of Australia called Adairs. They really do share my love of fruit decor with this strawberry and watermelon pillow!

Next is another fantastic find from Adairs. The pineapple light! SO freaking cute.  

After that is the lemon stuffy from Simons MAISON collection. We are so lucky that we have a Simons in Edmonton. I have purchased several things from their maison section and this lemon stuffy totally did it for me!

Below is the pineapple light is the watermelon stool and shelf from Timba trend. I have been following them for quite some time now and they never cease to amaze me. Their simple they striking designs for kids decor are my fave and another gem out of Australia. Did you know that the Australian dollar and the Canadian dollar are quite close? it's actually better to order from there and ship than ordering form the US right now. Poor Canadian Dollar. 

And Last is the pear love. the Grey knit Pear stuffy is from Taccity goods and I found the Pear print on Etsy.

Here's a cute little printable DIY fruit garland you can create for your wall too!

One of the cutest fruit toys that I love is the Melissa and Doug Cutting Fruit Set that you can cut up! its so cool because you can shop through the Velcro. We have this toy and it is Lila's favourite!


Here is some bedroom inspiration  from Adairs.


I Just love the pastels, soft greys and pops of bright teals! I hope you all enjoyed seeing this as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Stay tuned for a fruit addition to the shop coming this summer!


Hope your day is yummy and fresh like this post!








Family Day and Delicious Gluten Free Pancakes