Monday Must-Haves!

Another week, another monday! 

Welcome to this weeks edition of Monday Must-Haves! Today we're going to be talking about the flu! 

Ok, so it isn't the most glamorous thing to discuss, but sometimes moms get sick. Although, we tough it out and still get stuff done around the house. 

Recently, I was struck with a case of the flu. Nothing like trying to prepare for stuff and then having to take a break to meet up with the potty. 

I decided to round up a list of items that I can't be without when I have the flu!

Restoration Hardware Housecoat

My hubs bought me this robe in red a few Christmases ago. I love it. I literally wear it all the time. I have been known to get into my pyjamas and my robe at 7:30pm. I'm not a fancy person. I just like plushy robes and comfort. It may be time for a new one though, my red one kinda constantly smells of puke now. 

*note to spouse: maybe get me a white one? That way I can bleach it when our kid pukes on me*


So full disclosure, I don't actually wear THESE exact slippers. (at the time I wrote this, they were in transit to me.) I actually wore out a pair of padraig slippers. Having repaired the holes in them twice, my hubby decided that maybe I should just get a new friggin' pair of slippers. So I did just that. I can't wait until these arrive. Expect a full on review when they finally arrive. BRING ON THE SLIPPERS!


So these aren't the exact pyjamas I wear, but they are pretty darn close. I bought ones similar to these back when Target was in Canada (RIP Canadian Target. You will be missed). I bought them as "wear when I popped a kid out at the hospital so you don't look like garbage" pyjamas. I needed the front button access for da boob. Anyways, I don't care if you wear your husbands sweat pants and t shirts, just go for the comfort. 

S'well water bottle

Alright, obviously I'm not telling you to go get a S'well water bottle. But I mean, this bottle is just the best. I have 2 actually. I have a 25oz one in this green that was a gift and I love it. I just love it. I love cold water and this keeps my water nice and chilly. I have a smaller 17oz one which I actually use as my to go mug since I lost my actual to go mug. What I'm saying here is when you're sick, just flipping' hydrate yo! 


Immunity starts in the gut. Fermented foods are good for your gut. Get that gut health yo! I love kombucha. There are so many other options for kombucha. I linked the one I like, because you can buy it in Costco packs, which obviously seals it for me. 

Pho Soup

Pho is good for so many things. I love Vietnamese. I eat it when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm hungry. But seriously, a good bowl of soup will fix anything. Obviously, if you're vomiting, stick with toast and crackers. Maybe don't go balls to the wall with soup. 

Disney jr. tv.

This is plainly not for adults. I mean, unless you love PJ Masks, and Doc McStuffins and Sofia the First. I'm a stay at home mom so sick days don't really apply to me. I need a way to keep my kid entertained and away from me while I puke in the bathroom. Disney Junior just recently became a part of our lives and it's the best $5 we spend on our cable. So between Disney and the iPad, I can usually avoid being smoked in the head with the toilet seat while I hurl into the bowl. 

That's all for this week!

xoxo...Gossip Girl, no wait... 


Monday Must-Haves: Ear Worms


Monday Must-Haves!