Monday Must-Haves: Ear Worms

When I'm driving along in my amazing rocking' van, usually I'm stuck listening to whatever movie Clara likes. But sometimes, I get to listen to my own jams. I've been a subscriber to Apple Music for almost a year now and I love it. I love being able to ask Siri what song is playing and then downloading it to my phone. My current musical ear worms are below. Click the links to check out a snippet from any of the songs on Apple Music.

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I love love love love Calvin Harris. I have so many of his albums. They always are the perfect mix of pop and dance. This whole album rocks my world, but I especially love Feels feat Katy Perry and Pharrell. It's so happy and dance-y. I'm sure you've heard it on the radio but I always find myself dancing and humming along. 

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The best part about Apple Music is that you find so many other artists. I was listening to John Mayer and I found this album. It's so good. The whole album has an awesome singer/songwriter/folk vibe to it. I love it for when I wake up in the morning before the kiddo and enjoy a nice quiet cup of coffee. Check out Forever Young is Getting Old for a jaunty whistle-y tune for your morning pick-me-up.

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Alright, I will admit that I'm a big fan of hip hop and rap music (Hello Kendrick Lamar's HUMBLE!). Sometimes you just need a little rap music to get you through your day or your workout. This song is from 2014, but I love me a little Nicki Minaj and this song checks a lot of boxes for me. 

Good beat: Check

Nicki Minaj: Check

Good for cardio: Check


No list of music I like would be complete without Lady Gaga. Her latest album Joanne was played on repeat when it dropped. Then I moved on, then I saw her in concert when she was here in early August and well, it's come back. My personal fave is Perfect Illusion. I love the song, I love the video, I just straight up love Gaga. 

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I LOVE THIS SONG! It's actually my ring tone. There's nothing like a song reminding you how bad ass you can be. "I'm a boss ass bitch". Put this song as your alarm and you're guaranteed to kick the crap outta your day. Just a heads up though, if your kid is old enough to sing along...this might be a song you use headphones with. 

Well, hopefully you discovered a few new tunes here! Let me know if you want to know more of what I'm listening to. Even if it's just the movies my kid is watching in the back seat of the van.


Gossip wait....


Monday Must-Haves: My Favourite Skin Care


Monday Must-Haves!