Monday Must-Haves: My Favourite Skin Care

Hay Hay Hay! Welcome back to another edition of Monday must haves! Today we gonna be talking about yo' face.

Ok, so I wasn't always a skin care fanatic. There are more times than I'm willing to admit that I have gone to bed with a full face of makeup on. Oops. Now that I'm in my early 30's I am certainly trying to take better care of my skin on my face. I mean, I am not a big makeup wearer (well unless I'm going out)

I am a big fan of all kinds of serums, creams, lotions, potions, toners, rollers....I could go on obviously. 

My day usually starts with a cold water rinse of my face, or a swipe with Garniers Micellar Water. Its handy because it doesn't require a ton of soaping, and drying. You just slap it on your face, let it dry and you're done. 

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I have been enjoying as a daytime moisturizer, Neutrogena's hydroboost gel lotion. It's nice and light and doesn't cause my makeup to melt off my face. I've been using two different eye creams lately, and it's rocking my world! My sis is an eye cream freak. I decided after our trip to Vegas, when I had no eye cream and she was mad that I didn't use eye cream and she forgot hers, that maybe it was time to get some cream. I searched best sellers on amazon prime, which I obviously would do. I found radha eye cream, and only $10! I love it! It's gel based which is nice. It's kinda cooling which is always a good feature for tired mom eyes. 


I will talk about my makeup faves in another post. But here's the point in my routine where I would occasionally slap makeup on my face. 

In the evening is where I go hog wild on skin care. Face masks, derma rollers, and exfoliation OH MY. 

If I wore any makeup that day, I usually start by removing my eye makeup with eye makeup remover. If I wore a particularly large amount of makeup, I use a cleansing oil just to remove the makeup. Then I will go in and wash my face with my face wash, and some times I'll use my Clairsonic to really scrub my face. 

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After cleansing, I'll sometimes use my rodan and fields exfoliator, or I'll derma roller my face. For those not familiar with derma rollers, it's basically just a wheel with needles on it that you run all over your face. It's not long enough to actually pierce the skin, but it's still pokey enough to think your skin has been injured so your body then floods your face with new blood, and collagen to supposedly reduce wrinkles, and even reduce scars or discolouration on your face. I love my roller. 


I've been obsessed lately with the L'oreal pure clay masks. They are reasonably priced ($15) and feel so so luxurious. They wash off like a dream. Otherwise, any ol' face mask I have kicking around I'll slap on my face. Usually I relax or blog or clean cat litters with these face masks on. Then I rinse, follow with my salicylic toner, which burns so good. Then face cream. I use a fairly thick cream at night. This one by Davines is my favourite guy. Then, a nice thick eye cream. The one I use smells like lavender and it's so nice to smell before bed. I let my lotion sink in, then apply my Mario Badescu drying lotion. AKA THE BEST ZIT CREAM IN THE HISTORY OF THE LAND. Nothing drys up my zits like this stuff! 

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I sure seem to use a lot of skin care! No wonder I can't seem to keep everything inside of my cabinet! Hit me up with suggestions for other skin care you like! I'm always willing to try more stuff!

xoxo Gossip Girl... no wait.....





Monday Must Haves: Monday Must Knows


Monday Must-Haves: Ear Worms