I'm feeling....... Purple... ya that's it!

I'm back!
I have another bathroom and yes, it was also ugly.  It's our guest bathroom downstairs.  As I had stated earlier, I really dislike golden oak and beige walls. So yet again, another example in our basement. Here it is right after we got possession.

Pretty Beige isn't it? Not pictured, but I actually replaced the splintery golden oak toilet seat with a fresh white one. So it was that much worse. I decided because the room has no window in it,  that it should be bright, but also fun. I decided on purple. My husband thought I was certified crazy at first, but I showed him the samples. I decided to go with the colour "Grape Juice " in eggshell which is a Benjamin Moore Colour of course:) I also decided to try Aura paint because I heard it was a big deal. It is definitely a different paint than I had used before. I'm not sure if I like it. You basically role once and do not back roll. If you go over it after it has been put on, it can remove the paint. No good. Because the colour I chose was so saturated, It did take 3 coats. Here is a "during the process" picture.

As you can see, I said I wanted it brighter and and right now the colour looks dark but don't fret my friends! I have more to come! So after the painting the walls, I also painted the trim and corner shelves a nice bright white. Then I added wallpaper! Again, I went with unpasted wallpaper. It's super easy to apply as I explained here. I had some left over from our master bedroom update. It's a very pretty white paper with black and silver leaves. I really like it!

I just love this wall paper! I think it is so pretty with out being to girly. Does that even make sense? anyways, I think having the contrast of the white makes the bathroom feel much brighter even though I chose a very fairly dark shade of paint. The rest is just fun pops of color that I added. I went with Lime as my pop but I think I could change it up now. It's been a couple years and I am feeling like it's time for a change. What do you think would be a good colour change? Orange? yellow? Teal?

As you can see, some of the little art add-ons in the room are different. I thought that the toilet side of the bathroom needed another hit of green so I framed a piece of scrapbook paper. It has a subtle floral pattern also in green and I think it adds the perfect pop while adding texture as well. The two pieces beside the sink are pieces of hand cut bark from some kind of a tree in Mexico. We picked them up while we were there fro our wedding. We always try to buy art wherever we travel to and this is some of it. I put them in simple square deep set frames so that their texture was more visible.

Can you see me in here?

As most of my friends know, I aways have to throw some sort of vintage piece into the room. I got this little nightstand at Salvation Army years ago and I think it's the perfect size for that little random corner in the room. I never knew what to do with it so this was perfect. I just added some beachy things. One being the beautiful mango wood bowl that we picked up in Thailand and a seashell that my hubby had had for a long time. Then just a basket for some texture.

Oh! I almost forgot about the mirror! It was just a boring old mirror with nothing on it and I thought it needed some type of bling to match the taps that were already in the room when we bought. My friend J worked at a tile store and she gave me a bunch of old mosaic tile that was going to be thrown out. I basically taped off the area and siliconed it down to make a pretty frame around an otherwise boring mirror. What do you think?

Oh hey there!

Ta Da! That's my guest bathroom. The funny thing is, looking at all of these things makes me bored and I want to change it up. haha! Well this weekend we are going to start a small redo in our main bath upstairs so stay tuned......



It's Party Time!


Ya Bored?