It's Party Time!

Welcome to my page about my "new found fun" of party planning. I believe it is in the small details that make people notice. It seriously a newer thing so I have only done two parties. I took pics of both so I will post about each one.

One thing I will say about party planning is that I have found it is easier if I do it alone. I don't mind some help but certain people have their idea about things and I have mine. Seeing as how one of them was Ruby's first birthday party, I didn't get to do half of what I truly wanted. Let's just say there were "too many cooks in the kitchen". Oh well. Here it is. 

Ruby's first birthday.

I started with some decorations. I started a month before the party as well. I would just do a little at a time every evening after she was in bed. I made these paper flowers that covered the mirror in my dining room. There are actually a few made of napkins just to add some depth to the display. I love how it turned out. Next I made tissue poufs and hung them from my ceiling around my light fixture at different heights to create a cozy and colourful spot to grab your snacks. The last picture here is of one of the pennants I made. I took all the pics that I had done each month and created a year of reflection on her life. I made another one and I never took a picture of it. It was of her other special moments like halloween and Christmas, special photo shoots and moments with her name in between.

Here is a highlight of the treats. Actually, it WAS the highlight of the party! My amazing friend Jacqueline Jacek graciously offered to make the cake pops for Ruby's main treat. She is an AMAZING chocolatier! Her beautiful studio and retail space is launching on Friday here in Sherwood park! Check out her new place. Jacek Chocolate Couture.  So back to the action, I sent her a picture of what I wanted them to look like and she created it EXACTLY. I found the pic on Pinterest of course. Here's the link to that right..... here.

 So I must also attribute the beauty that is the cake pop display to the best father-in-law ever! We called him up a couple days before the party and asked if he could help us out. He said he would take a look at the email we sent him on a cake pop stand I liked and thats where it went! The next day I get a texted picture of it finished!!! YAY! Isn't he Great?!? Well here is a few more goodies I had that day. Fruit punch, candy jar, cookies, macaroons, fruit, veggies, chips, dips and deliciousness. Just a snack type event since it was from 1-3:30PM. No need for lunch or dinner.

A  beautiful Chocalate Lily Cupcake for Miss Ruby! Thanks Jac!

So one of the other highlights of the party and by far a favourite of everyones was the Photo Booth! Basically I turned my salon into a photo booth using the brick wall as the backdrop. It worked Fantastically. I used my dad's tripod and camera and purchased a camera remote to take the pics when you were positioned. Here's a look at that:)

Photo Bomb by Miss BeeVintage

Silly Family

 Well there you have it! We had a great Day with 50 people crammed in our house and it was definitely a blast. I am so excited for next year and I don't even know what I will do next. Hmmmmm



Mr. Kian


I'm feeling....... Purple... ya that's it!