Mr. Kian

I'm Back!

Things have been crazy around here as per usual but I am trying to keep posting! I have got TONS of projects on the go and I have started to turn into a hoarder. uh oh.... Anyways, I though I would post about someone very special and dear to my heart. Mr. Kian Breen. I was a very lucky gal and got to snuggle, cuddle and take pictures of this little one when he was only 4 days old! His mom is one of my most dear friends and it was an absolute pleasure to capture this little guy. Here's a few from that day.

He's a hockey fan like his brother:)

Well there he is in all his cuteness! Of course he has changed drastically since then but still so darn cute:)

* Please note that these photo posts will be on my photo page tab*

We're All Mad Here!


It's Party Time!