Another light shedding subject.

Hey There!

I am coming to you live from my house. Haha I am so funny. It's my due date today July14th, 2013 and still no baby Mills has decided to show. I am frustrated to say the least because this sweet child o' mine has taunted me all week with false labor. Sweet. SO I am up late as per the "uje" these days and thought I would catch up on some past projects that I have been working on and have done as of the last few months. Of course there is that looming baby's room reveal but yet again, for another post ;)

So awhile back I found some light fixtures at a closing out sale and purchased 8 of them. Since then, I have donated 4 to a local not for profit coffee shop opening soon here in Sherwood park, and 1 to my mom. If you don't remember the light fixture redo I did for my sis, click here.

So this again is a couple pictures of the before.

I decided to go for the industrial look this time around. I have currently been obsessed because I can't get enough flat black, metal, brass, and wood but who can? Honestly. Who.  For my sister's light fixture I took all the guts out and made it a hanging light that plugged in because she didn't have any electricity close by to hardwire the fixture into. This time I took it apart and saved everything. I knew I would need it again for what I was going to try and pull off. Ha.

Again I sprayed the fixture with Krylon primer and then went to work with the idea in mind. I cut a hole in a piece of cardboard so I could have the lamp stand upright while I painted the inside "Antique Brass" by Rustoleum. Here it is after one and two coats.

one coat

second coat

So at first I thought "Holy doodle that is WAY too shiny and not at all what I was going for" but I decided to wait and see what it looked like dry and not in the blaring daytime sunlight. So I waited the hour or so to dry and flipped 'er over and opened up a can of.... Rustoleum spray in "Flat Black". I used this colour on the outside as well as the cover plate for over the junction box.

It's looking more like what I wanted. That's for sure. So basically I waited the 24 hours before reassembling the fixture. Well lets be honest, I'm preggo and have a crazy 2 year old so more like 48-72 hours? Ya. That's more accurate. I measured the distance from the ceiling to the fixture of my existing light because I decided that this one (if all goes well) was going to replace the fixture I had over my island kitchen cart. I also knew that what I wanted to do to the cord meant I couldn't fiddle or adjust the length afterwards.

I wanted the fixture to have some texture and so I used some very expensive twine from Dollarama and wrapped it around the cord. I secured each wrap with a bead of glue so that it wouldn't slide around. Here are some crappy iPhone pics. It was late and I was tired ok? Don't judge me. 

Looks cool. No? Here is the pic of my old fixture. P.S. Don't judge my messy kitchen.

Here it is done!

Finished twine cord.

As I had thought, the brass paint was a little too shiny for me but it was nothing that a little sanding block couldn't rough up. I sanded the whole inside kind of randomly to give it that beat up, not-so-perfect, industrial look that I love so much. I like that the paint isn't perfect and that the fixture has a ding in it. It makes it feel more like I found it at a flea market than something I found at Zellers:) Last but certainly not least, the Edison bulb is the perfect addition to recreating industrial. 

What do you all think? Do you want to see more of this kind of thing? What's something you wish people would post more about? Please tell me. I am all ears:)



Speaking from my Heart Vol.1


And so the repurposing continues.......