Speaking from my Heart Vol.1

Hey All!

I am back from beyond the blog world! I have been on hiatus tending to our newest little addition Lila Madeline Mills. She has been quite a handful with her being colicky. So needless to say, I have had no idea when I would be able to find the time to compile any blog posts let alone finish any projects that I have started. Which is several......... HA!

So the motive I got for this post is from a couple places. One, I love being creative. I felt such a sadness this last three months that I didn't have the time to let out my creative side. As I stood there bouncing a baby, I had all these ideas in my head of things I wanted to do but I just couldn't. I have finally gotten a breath of fresh air as Miss Lila has been much less difficult. Two, my friend Bronwen inspired me recently when she put a fundraiser together for her dear friend who had been severely disabled in a car accident. Please read more about that here. She is one of the good ones. She cares with her whole heart and has the most positive attitude about life. SO taking these two elements of creativity and giving, I was inspired to help our old neighbours and dear friends the Drost Family.

So here's the thing.... The Drost Family is single handedly the most caring, loving, kind and generous family. My husband and I had the privilege of living near them for 4 years and miss them everyday since we moved. They also now live closer to us again in Sherwood Park but the business of our 2 girls and their FIVE kids. Yes. I said five. Has kept it harder for us to connect on a regular basis. My job as a hairstylist definitely has its perks as I get to see Michelle when she needs her hair done. So yay for me! From the minute we met this family we had an instant connection which resulted in hanging out, having campfires, babysitting, dinner christmas presents, borrowing of tools and groceries, and general friendship. They have hearts of gold. Michelle and Rob had 3 kids and then felt they needed to fill their hearts with more love and fostered a beautiful girl named Hope. The instant they met her they knew they couldn't let her go and they became her forever family and she was adopted! She is so lucky to become a Drost:) They went on to foster another beautiful baby girl named Neveah from 9 weeks old till she was about 2.5 years old where she found her forever family with some of her family members. In the midst of all this, they received word that Hope's birth mom was expecting again and were able to adopt her little brother Gabe so she could grow up with a biological sibling of her own. Can you believe the love they have? It amazes me. Oh did I mention that she home schools all of her kids? Ya. She's amazing.

When I found out about Rob being diagnosed with Colon cancer, I wished I could take it away. Of all people, why their family? I didn't understand it but I knew I needed to help them in some way. With Michelle being a busy home schooling Mom of 5, Rob is the provider for the family. When he had immediate surgery and then chemotherapy, he hasn't been able to work. After chemo is complete he will have 2 more surgeries. He isn't going to be able to work for at least another year.

Because I love and care about these people so much, I have decided to compile my family photos I had taken over the last year and showcase my work. I realize that I am not some amazing photographer, but as I take more and have taken more classes, I feel I have only gotten better and hope to continue to do so.

SO. Here is what is happening. I am offering family photo mini sessions for $80. You will get a half hour shoot with 8-10 edited photos on disc. This promo will be offered for the next year or until Rob can go back to work (whichever comes first). 100% of the proceeds will be going to the Drost family to help them with whatever they may need.

Here are my beautiful clients whom have graciously allowed me to put their faces on my blog For this incredible cause. Thanks to the MacDougald family, the Snell Family, the Breen Family, the Fergusson Family, the Courtrille Family, the Campbell Family, the Reilly Family and the Nicholson Family.

Please Spread the word and share this link. I am already booking up quickly!


Gettin' Industrial with it!


Another light shedding subject.