Bohemian, Carnival, Eclectic Kids Room?

Bohemian, Carnival, Eclectic Kids Room?

Uh Ya. That's it. Sure.  When People ask me if there's a theme to Miss Ruby's room I really don't have one answer. It's a mixture of new and old and fun and silly. If you never got a chance to check out her nursery click here.

I decided to make it feel different in there now that she is a big girl in her big girl bed. First off,  we tried turning her crib into a bed and it was so big and so clunky that it shuffled all over the room and it never lasted. I hated it. Ruby Loves a mattress and box spring on the floor so thats what she got. I obviously dressed it up a bit but we do have future plans for her headboard. One day Y'all will find out…… So here's the space.

See what I mean? How does one explain that some sort of rainbow threw up in her room and it looks great?  Ya I thought so. A little while back, Miss Ruby decided to start picking at her tree decal while laying in bed. I was devastated to say the least. I fixed it the best I could and moved my vintage screen in front of her access to the fun wall sticker. I actually really love it there and I think It's found it's permanent home behind her bed. I also made a fabric tassel that I hung across from birdhouse to birdhouse. I love it. It's cool and different from the other tassels I have made.

These are just little touches I added to the space. I wrapped random twine around birdcages that my MIL had given me. I put one of the first things I bought for her in there because I don't want her to touch it. haha.

I absolutely LOVE the Tibetan prayer flag my Uncle gave me. I hung it in her room awhile ago and it makes me happy every time I walk in the room.  I also love that she is old enough now that she can climb up the wooden step stool to play in her window. The funny thing is her friends spend as much time playing in her room as they do in the playroom.

Here's one of her most favourite places to be. If it's quiet and she went upstairs, you can usually bet on her being in her tent. Her Grandma and Grandpa Mills gave her this Ikea tent and it has proven to be endless hours of fun.

Another thing I'm into is the layering of rugs in her room. She's a kid. She's messy and I can't constantly make sure she is spotless all the time. These rugs have saved her carpet and look so cool too.

Lastly the vintage chenille bedspread that my sister picked up. I feel it completes the room. The fringe makes me even happier.

So there it is! My little girl's "Big Girl" room. Currently. It changes frequently but thought it would be fun to update!


Snowing and Blowing Up Bushels of Fun!


Industrial Shelf mini project.