First Official Artist Feature: Mills Industries


I am so excited to feature a new subject in the Ruby Thursday Collective! An Artist Feature! My brother in law Jake Mills of Mills Industries. This talented welder has started making beautiful name plates. Wall hanging and countertop style. When he showed me the first few he made I really encouraged him to start up an etsy shop. He has officially opened shop! You can locate his shop through this link here. Or search him out on Etsy under millsindustries. I was able to take some pics of the beautiful art he has started to create for all of the special girls in his life.
Please consider this as a fantastic gift for someone special. He is currently working on a boys style of one. What would you like to see for a boy's name?

 I am so excited to share what we have commissioned him to make for us next. Stay Tuned!



Lila's Change Table Before and After.


Miss Lila Madeline